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the film


With his morality on the line, how far will one man go to be reunited with his daughter?


In a dystopian world ruled under tyranny, Yuta, a construction worker, longing to reunite with his estranged daughter becomes indoctrinated into a life he did not choose.  Stuck in zone six he undergoes  perilous torment and questionable morality in the endeavour that he may escape the tyrannical rule of the zones.



The facts


The Directors Statement

Residuum has been a passion project for me through and through. Ever since the very first meeting of Residuum when our team only consisted of myself and our DoP Byron. This initial chat spiralled into hours of brainstorming and world-building which directly translated into George and mine's writing process.  From this very first meeting, the driving force for this project was passion and dedication. Being able to look back to all those months ago, now with a whole team backing the film and finished project under our belts, I am unbelievably proud of what we have achieved. The creation of Residuum has felt like an uphill battle throughout the majority of the process but now, watching the final film, it was all worth it. 



Our inspirations for Residuum came from a variety of different sources spanning a range of mediums. There’s no denying that sci-fi has been on the public zeitgeist with the popularity of Denis Villeneuve and the Dune movies introducing an audience that would have likely never been interested in the genre. I’m sure to a degree this influenced our current taste in the genre but the more direct inspirations for this piece were Children of Men (2006), and The Hunger Games (2012) with elements of Black Mirror. We wanted to create a visceral world for our story to take place in and our own world was the perfect place to start. We did a great deal of research into the way other countries are run, such as China’s social credit system, as well as taking a long look at the way our own country operates and the somewhat dire direction it seems to be taking.

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The mission


Scale Modelling and Miniatures

The idea of using miniatures for our cityscape initially came from our DoP Byron who had seen a YouTube channel called ‘Slice of Life’ who breaks down the entire process from building to shooting to editing. This 30-minute YouTube video became our bible for Miniature building. It was from here that we connected with Jake Hoang, our Miniature specialist, who shared our passion within the project. He was able to take our miniature building to another level. While CGI is a more obvious route to take and potentially an easier one, we felt that there’s an authenticity from practical effects. We decided that merging the two forms would lead to the best results, so we are using a base layer of miniature footage supplemented with CGI. The miniature footage is created by stacking multiple shots of the buildings, with different lighting set-ups and fog, on top of each other to make the scenes truly feel alive.

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